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One more day for the early bird rate!


There is only one more day to get the Early Bird Rate for this unique presentation: Fixing Your Business, Fixing the Economy in both Colorado Springs and Loveland!

Fixing Your Business: Suzanne Tulien of Brand Ascension Group will reveal the ‘secrets’ of customer buying decisions, the true difference between branding and marketing, empowering employees, and enhancing your customer experiences.

Fixing The Economy: Charles Blum - Government Relations Director for the Coalition for a Prosperous America in Washington - will discuss how to fix America’s economy by reforming U.S. international economic policies and creating private sector jobs.

The first event is in Colorado Springs on September 27, 2012.  The second event is in Loveland on September 28, 2012.  The Early Bird Rate Deadline is tomorrow!

Here are the details of the events:

Colorado Springs

When: September 27, 2012;  7:30am - 10:30am;  Registration 7:15 am

Club at Flying Horse, 1880 Weiskopf Pt., Colorado Springs

$15 until September 21; $20 after September 21

Register here for Colorado Springs, space is limited.



When:  September 28, 2012, 1:00pm - 4:00pm, Registration 12:30 pm

Where: Rialto Conference Center, 228 East 4th Street, Loveland (one door West of the Rialto theater)

$15 until September 21, $20 after September 21

Register here for Loveland, space is limited.


For more information, please contact Sara Haimowitz (202-688-5145 or [email protected]).


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