Archive | Currency

Romney On China: Talks The Talk, Will He Walk The Walk?

The Mitt Romney campaign is airing an ad promising that on his first day in office Romney would “stand up to China” and demand “they play by the rules.” Romney has the opportunity right now to demonstrate that he will live up to these words. He can ask Republicans in Congress to…

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Broad Coalition of Domestic Manufacturers Urge Obama Administration to Address Currency Manipulation in Future Free Trade Agreements

Broad Coalition of Domestic Manufacturers Urge Obama Administration to Address Currency Manipulation in Future Free Trade Agreement The Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) signs joint letter calling for action on currency manipulation in negotiation of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Washington, DC.  May 22, 2012.  In an effort to prevent trading partners…

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US Treasury’s Brainard: Hope For More Yuan Adjustment

Reposted from the Wall Street Journal ***** US Treasury’s Brainard: Hope For More Yuan Adjustment WASHINGTON - China’s currency-adjustment process is “incomplete” despite a 40% appreciation in the yuan against the dollar since 2005, but the dynamics of the country’s evolving economy will likely propel further currency and other economic-policy…

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The yuan a top concern for U.S.

Reposted from Politico ***** The yuan a top concern for U.S. Josh Boak  |  May 1, 2012  |  Politico Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton head to China on Thursday for another round of negotiations about the economy and security — but don’t expect too much…

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Rep. Camp and bipartisan cooperation to do nothing

Actions matter.  Words don’t count. The U.S. could take its own action to protect our interests on currency.  But don’t. Dave Camp, chair of the House Ways & Means Committee, could mark up the Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act (HR 639), but refuses to do so.  Instead, he tells…

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US Rep Levin Sees Need For China Currency Bill

Reposted from the Dow Jones Newswire via the American Iron and Steel Institute’s Daily Media Report ***** US Rep Levin Sees Need For China Currency Bill April 17, 2012  |  Dow Jones Newswire WASHINGTON — A leading Democratic lawmaker on trade issues said Monday legislation to get tough on China’s…

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Will China moves end ‘currency war’ debate?

Reposted from ***** Will China moves end ‘currency war’ debate? Kevin Voigt  |  April 16h, 2012  | Hong Kong (CNN) – Over the weekend, China announced it was doubling the trading band of the yuan against the U.S. dollar. The move was widely lauded as a step toward…

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U.S. Senator Says ‘Buy America’

Reposted from The Marion Star ******* U.S. Senator Says ‘Buy America’ John Jarvis | April 5, 2012 |The Marion Star MARION - A United States senator had an attentive audience as he spoke in support of federal legislation he said supports American manufacturers and workers. About 20 Nucor Steel Marion…

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Falling Yuan Latest Failure of Obama’s Trade Policy

Reposted from American Thinker ***** Falling Yuan Latest Failure of Obama’s Trade Policy Howard Richman and Raymond Richman  |  March 24, 2012  |  American Thinker Throughout 2011, at President Obama’s urging, the People’s Bank of China let the Chinese yuan rise slightly versus the dollar.  It didn’t raise the yuan…

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Chinese currency manipulation methods

For those idiots who think we have free trade and free markets, but oppose negating China’s currency manipulation, a mini-lesson in Chinese methods. With more than $3 trillion in foreign exchange reserves, China has more than enough financial firepower to defend its currency against serious attacks on its value by…

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