Archive | Currency

As economy improves, manufacturers want fair fight vs. China

Reposted from Crains Cleveland Business ********* As economy improves, manufacturers want fair fight vs. China Ginger Christ | December 17, 2012 | Crains Cleveland Business Randy Solganik, owner of City Plating in Cleveland, wants a level playing field against China. Mr. Solganik, whose company puts zinc plating on steel parts…

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Treasury declines to brand China a currency manipulator

Reposted from CNN Money ******** Treasury declines to brand China a currency manipulator James O’Toole | November 27, 2012 | CNN Money NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — The Treasury Department said Tuesday that China’s currency remains undervalued, but stopped short of branding the country a currency manipulator. In its semi-annual report…

Posted in China, Currency6 Comments

Treasury Says China Is Not Currency Manipulator

Reposted from Daily Media Report of the American Iron and Steel Institute ******** Treasury Says China Is Not Currency Manipulator November 28, 2012 | DMR of AISI as seen in MarketWatch WASHINGTON — The Treasury Department on Tuesday again declined to name China a currency manipulator, citing progress in the…

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“Lame Duck” Congress Should Pass These Two Important Bills

Reposted from the blog of Michele Nash Hoff, author of Can American Manufacturing Be Saved?  Why We Should and How We Can ***** “Lame Duck” Congress Should Pass These Two Important Bills Can American Manufacturing Be Saved?  |  November 12, 2012 While the focus of the “Lame Duck” Congress will…

Posted in Currency, Politics, Trade35 Comments

Republicans Should Pretend It’s Romney’s First Day And Act On China

Reposted from the Campaign for America’s Future blog ***** Republicans Should Pretend It’s Romney’s First Day And Act On China Dave Johnson  |  November 7, 2012  |  Campaign for America’s Future Romney promised that he would act on China’s currency manipulation “on his first day.” So Republicans can pretend Romney…

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The Fairly Valued Renmimbi Myth

The Obama administration and others are claiming that the Chinese currency is more fairly valued because it has modestly appreciated. Alan Tonelson of USBIC shows why this is a myth. “The upshot would then be that even though the currency has strengthened against the dollar, it is now even…

Posted in Currency7 Comments

A Tight Rope on China’s Currency

Reposted from The New York Times ********* A Tight Rope on China’s Currency Annie Lowrey | October 22,  2012 | NY Times WASHINGTON — At the presidential debate on Monday night, Mitt Romney, the Republicans’ nominee, repeated his promise to brand China a currency manipulator and to rebalance the trade relationship between the…

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Portman Statement on Obama Administration’s Refusal to Take on China’s Currency Manipulation

 Portman Statement on Obama Administration’s Refusal to Take on China’s Currency Manipulation FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 15, 2012 MEDIA CONTACT: Jeff Sadosky | 202-224-5190 U.S. Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) today released the following statement on the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s announcement that it will delay the semi-annual currency report due today…

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China and Its Trade Practices Are Coming to the Debates

Reposted from The New York Times ******* China and Its Trade Practices Are Coming to the Debates Sharon LaFraniere | October 15, 2012 | NY Times Halfway through the fall debates, the sparring between President Obama and Mitt Romney and their running mates has been notable for the absence of an issue Mr. Romney…

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Obama And Romney Keep Trading Jabs On Manufacturing And China

Reposted from Campaign for America’s Future ***** Obama And Romney Keep Trading Jabs On Manufacturing And China Steve Capozzola  |  September 27, 2012  |  Campaign for America’s Future The presidential campaign is in high gear, and both candidates are firing back and forth with “I can do more to save…

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