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CPA Book Release: Can American Manufacturing Be Saved



CPA News Release

Sara Haimowitz, Development and Membership Coordinator
Coalition for a Prosperous America

CPA Book Release: 
“Can American Manufacturing be Saved?  Why we should and how we can”
By Michele Nash-Hoff

The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) is pleased to announce the release of the 2012 edition of Michele Nash-Hoff’s book, Can American Manufacturing be Saved?  Why we should and how we can

The book shows: why we should save American manufacturing; the connection between the loss of manufacturing jobs and state and federal budget deficits; how the loss of manufacturing affects our national security; and what national trade, tax, and regulation policies should be changed to save American manufacturing.  Ms. Nash-Hoff also includes suggestions for business owners, employees, consumers and voters to help save American manufacturing.


Published by CPA, you can purchase the book for $24.95 here.  You can see the YouTube promotional video here.  The 2012 edition has received significant acclaim.

National Radio talk show host, Roger Hedgecock, says: 

“Michele Nash-Hoff’s book is a wake-up call to all Americans to the importance of restoring American manufacturing if we are to maintain our national sovereignty and the capability to defend our country. The accelerating loss of manufacturing jobs has led directly to higher unemployment and decaying public services through declining tax revenues. This book provides a much-needed road map to save and expand American manufacturing and restore the high quality of American life.”

Jason Busch and Lisa Reisman, Surplus Record, wrote, 

“The author of Can American Manufacturing Be Saved is a measured voice of industrial experience and pragmatism – and one that believes manufacturing is absolutely the mortar than can help bind together the different elements of our fragile economy…Nash-Hoff should be required reading for U.S. industrial companies today – not to mention politicians and others who represent our interests in government and trade.”

Roger Simmermaker, author of How to Buy American ─ The Power of Consumer Patriotism, wrote,

“Even if you haven’t particularly paid attention to the importance of American manufacturing to our future well-being as a nation, you’ll realize its importance after reading this book. And if you have regarded American manufacturing as an important part of our survival as a nation, you’ll likely come away with the opinion that it is even more important.”

Michele Nash-Hoff will introduce her book as the featured speaker 2012 at the Design-2 part Show at the Long Beach Convention Center, in Long Beach, California on October 3, 2012 with a presentation titled “Returning Manufacturing to America.” 

Ms. Nash-Hoff is President of ElectroFab Sales and has been a manufacturers’ rep for nearly 30 years helping companies select the right manufacturing processes for their new and existing products. She has been president of the San Diego Electronics Network, the San Diego Chapter of the Electronics Representatives Association, and The High Technology Foundation. Ms. Nash-Hoff is currently a director on the national board of the American Jobs Alliance and Chair of the California chapter of the Coalition for a Prosperous America. 

The Coalition for a Prosperous America is a nonprofit organization representing the interests of 2.7 million households through our agricultural, manufacturing and labor members.

Click here for a link to this announcement on the CPA website.



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